AHA Yoga

LIVESTREAM - Yoga for Healthy Bones
with Kerry Doyle


January 21 (Tuesday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
90 minutes

Geared for Students with Iyengar experience, familiarity with basic standing, seated asanas and practicing inversions.  

Class includes specialized sequencing and instruction to promote bone health.  
Bones are dynamic living tissue that are continually building, shifting, breaking down and rebuilding in response to physical stimulus and our mental/emotional states.  Osteoporosis, literally porous bone, is a disease characterized by low bone mass and a deterioration of the architecture of bone tissue.

Yoga, when practiced with awareness, provides a positive stress that stimulates bone remodeling and improves the absorption of calcium.  Classes include a well rounded practice of poses that  enhance the musculoskeletal and endocrine systems which are vital in bone growth.  

PROPS:  Yoga mat, 2 blocks, strap, bolster, blankets, chair and a dedicated wall space.


You are only allowed to make reservations 120 days in advance.