AHA Yoga

Learning the Ropes (2/3)
with Kerry Doyle

October 5 (Saturday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

AHA Studio

Join Kerry for a fun practice exploring yoga poses with our Iyengar ropes wall.  'Yoga Kurunta', yoga puppetry allows you to experience yoga postures with the support to experience freedom, extension and ease.  With the aid of the ropes, your spine becomes more supple and you can explore a variety of poses with a feeling of spaciousness in the body and mind.  

Dates:  Sept. 14, Oct. 5th & Nov 2nd.  Join for one of the series, two or all three!  
Pricing:  Full series (3 classes), $50, or drop-ins $20

Pre-requisites:  Recommended previous experience in Iyengar Yoga or other alignment based yoga. 
This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: Learning the Ropes


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